My First Conté


My drawing class has recently moved on to drawing humans and studying values rather than perspective. That said, I should be updating more often with some of my classwork.

The image displayed above is a working drawing from class today. It was my first time using Conté crayon.

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Colleen said...

That's amazing!! Well done :) You may need to draw me sometime in the future!

Anonymous said...


Molly's Sweets said...

Hey! Thats a really neat piece of art. I'm glad you've moved on in your drawing class. I was getting sick of you complaining about drawing wheels :-p

Katie said...

What what?! I didn't complain that much, did I? I'm pretty sure I only did that when someone asked me... and trust me. If you took this class, you would never want to see a bike again.

Colleen, I don't often draw friends mainly because I don't like drawing from photos and no one would want to model long enough for me to draw a portrait. Perhaps I'll make an exception for you.

Thanks for the compliments, all! :)

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