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Friends, family, strangers... After some internal debate about fears and publicity, I've decided to reopen this blog. Maybe it's t...
In my mind I always knew I didn't have much for looks. Rather than catching young men's eyes, I turned my own to books. Though ...
This is my drawing final, but certainly not my final drawing. It's really too bad I can't afford a better camera right now.
When I draw, I get so focused on my work that it becomes impossible to critique it clearly. By either using a mirror, or taking a photo of t...
The word "courage" stems from the Latin word for heart: "cor". "Age" comes from the Latin suffix "aticum...
My drawing class has recently moved on to drawing humans and studying values rather than perspective. That said, I should be updating more o...
I've always enjoyed drawing with Sharpie, so here is a blank CD that I drew on just for fun!
I've had some vivid reminders of death lately. A few relatives are slowly declining in health. Another few are not quite as lucky. I had...
Brainsick adj : Mentally disordered. Brassica n : Plants from the genus Brassica, such as broccoli, cabbage, and mustard. Bravura n : 1)...
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